I felt more than I have thought. And aftter leaving the theatre I felt a sudden desire to free fall without a parachute. And I'd enjoy every moment of it. But I digress. The thinking part? Well I have already been into the nihlistic philosophies a lot and I think I already know the underlying message of the movie before going there in a way. More so the delivery of that message was stunning. Joaquin set the bar very high and really defined the difference between acting and performing. And boy what a performance it was. For conclusions, I think there is indeed a lot of toxic positivity. Some people are just odd and under appreciated and one glimpse of decency may change their lives. I think we should help out these people before unwanted events occur. And really everyone is the hero of their own story. Inside a villain's mind, their actions are a hunderd percent justified. So in a way, criminals are made in my opinion. Many would claim that adults can differentiate between what's morally right and morally wrong. And I think that claim doesn't stand on a strong basis. Just look at how power corrupts people. The rich do really get richer at the expense of poor people. And that is said in the movie. Look at the climate change. Look at all the greed. And it saddens me so much that people may not take this movie seriously because you know it's just a movie. But lately I have been asking people this question "Do you feel empathy for others?" and surprisngly the majority has replied with "No everyone wants to lord over you and your job is to not let them. Be greedy and live your best life". And positive lexicons like "best" and "living" get tattered with toxic mutual agreements like this. That everyone is an object with an expiration date. You may benifit from that object until you no longer feel it could serve you, then you ditch it with no second thought. This is what's objectifying humans. Although from a freudian standpoint I understand that the "survival instinct" is above all. But sublimation is also a thing. And one cannot be on the good side until they've realized their capactiy for doing bad. And we can never be responsible until we realize that we've never been. Don't be a greedy adult, be a human. I rest my case.