We regularly watch Fareed Zakaria GPS every Sunday, as the host's insights and presentation of information are usually on target, his guests informative and worth hearing from, and Fareed usually doesn't let guests off the hook when they give false or disingenuous answers. So we were both shocked and very disappointed that Fareed allowed the woefully incompetent, corrupt Jared Kushner to give what amounted to a lengthy, unchallenged campaign commercial for his father-in-law Donald Trump, instead of pinning Kushner down on why his ridiculous "peace plan" isn't already dead in the water. Fareed did point out the incoherence of requiring Palestinians to prove they would uphold values that none of Trump's buddies adhere to, like Saudi Arabia, but on the whole, he let Kushner rattle on without inhaling, giving what sounded like canned answers to questions he had already had plenty of time to prepare for. When did Fareed surrender his journalistic instincts? Why didn't he stop Kushner's infomercial? C'mon, Fareed!