I knew very little about the Black Panthers. I've never had much interest in expanded my education on the Black militant group. However, this graphic novel piqued my interest. I'm so glad I picked it up. It tells the story of how the two founders met and formed the group, their initiatives--in the beginning--and how the government--seeing them as a threat--ultimately infiltrated the political group to create internal wars that would lead to their downfall.
The story of the Black Panthers reminds me of Malcolm X, in that the government saw their potential, and took measures to ensure they would not succeed. What's more disheartening, is that the group was driven by drug addiction and a lack of education. I could see the path they were heading, before the story finished.
Still, this is a concise biography, focusing on the essential events that led to their downfall. It doesn't just talk about the bad, it covers some of the good The Black Panther party did in their communities. The authors exercise impartiality, to tell a comprehensive story about the corruption and internal paranoia (influenced by drug addiction) that led to the fate of these incapable men, who initially had good intentions.