The game is beautiful, gameplay is good, accessibility options are AMAZING
the story is the single worst thing I have ever experienced. The characters are all over the place and their development from the first game is undone. Some of their actions make no sense and their characters are destroyed
[ spoilers]
Not to mention you play half the game as a character they try to shove down your throat that is not likeable at all. That story drags on and no matter what they throw at you. You do not feel for her. She is unlike able. And not fun to play as. Her story takes forever and the entire time you’re thinking “when will I play as Ellie again” becuase you do not care about Abby at all even though that’s what the game wants. You also have to fight against Ellie as her at one point. And it basically makes you want to stop playing the game. You should not be rooting for a character you play as to die,
Not to mention the story is so out of order and all over the place. You play in a flashback and then play a flashback in that flashback and so on.
Not to mention joel dies in the very beginning of the game and in the marketing they changed models to make you think he was in the game more which is straight up lies. Abby, the character they make you play as not only kills Joel but TORTURES him to death. And never feels any remorse for it, yet we’re supposed to sypathize with her because she has a cute dog? She tortures prisoners in cages brutally and at one point just turns her back on the people she once considered HER people/family with literally no remorse. When she goes to kill Dina, Ellie says wait no she’s pregnant, Abby says “good” how are we ever supposed to relate/like Abby unless you are a pyschopath like her.
I think Dina and Ellie are a very cute couple, kind of awkward writing at times but overall good. Until the scene where Ellie reveals she is immune and then Dina randomly blurts out she is pregnant. Which is, not how conversations work. I think the pacing can be very off throughout the game
It’s almost like 7 different people were told to write a story for the game and they weren’t allowed to talk to each other and then they mashed the ideas together.
Overall. The story is very bad. There were many times where I just wanted the game to be over already