This film displayed a vivid Description that embodies what it means when spoken " YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU" Making what is said to be impossible by others with little to no faith possible. The character of Harriet being portrayed as a woman who was spiritually intune to Gods voice through Visions or premonitions of what has happened and what would happen. The Love for others and awakening of their spirits to be lifted up through the struggle of slavery.
Seaking a better way to live in freedom from captivity. So much in the production couldve been included. In addition; how production captured a glimpse of how much can be achieved if you dont give up your fight & passion to see a brighter day . Harriets reward unfortunately was not in full bloom before she passed on to glory. But in her era she reigned in the mist of her fight to bare true witness to those she lead. We all could learn a thing or two how to fulfill a life of charismatic and remarkable stature, when we think not of ourselves so much we forget about others. Nonetheless; how help can come from an extraordinary place when the compassion and empithy rest on our hearts..... Loving oneanother is loving God. What fruit will we bare ?