It’s really bad, I kept watching thinking it had to get better because the story it’s based on is so interesting, and it has a lot of good elements, but the whole thing is just like a compost pile, it’s a big stinky mess of formerly useful elements that needs time or work to be something good again. The framing device with the pregnant reporter is so forced, painful and clunky I just started fast forwarding through it to get to the good parts. It would have been good if they cut all of it out. It also has a bunch of things that are just plain annoying: too many scenes of people giving exposition with mouths full while eating? Who thinks that’s a good idea? And the classic “dialogue while brushing teeth” scene, my personal TV/Movie Pet Peeve. The soundtrack is annoying, too.
The only reason I watched the whole thing was because I had unusually bad period cramps and Laverne Cox is a national treasure. Someone needs to edit it so it’s only her scenes and it would be great.