I am 11 years old and trust me, I have watched a lot of films. This film is one of the worst and premature directed film I have ever seen. It was so painful to watch I even had a headache after watching it! The film script was good, but the acting and the outcome of the film was atrocious. Being 11, I think I can direct a better film than this. Why would a director and the actors tarnish their reputation making a film like this?! I would feel so embarrassed for all of you. If I was you, I would re-create the whole film. If anyone is considering watching this film, then please don’t. You would rather watch the paint dry on your wall. You may think an 11 year old doesn’t understand these films but trust me, watching this film will make your blood boil. Even I can think of a better solution. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Radiya/age 11/ London