Finally, the studios stepped back from the ridiculously grotesque caricature of the Laura Croft character that they used in both prior attempts to translate Tomb Raider onto the silver screen with Angelina Jolie rounding off the weird, over sexualized and unbelievable performance of this oft misunderstood and misrepresented character. Laura would be such an incredible lead to the franchise (as intended and as should be) if the creators would just give her a chance. By now Laura Croft should have easily moved into the spot Indiana Jones has left unoccupied for a long time. The only problem is that the movies have been driven by this schizophrenia of personalities and archetypes which has prevented the whole phenomenon that she began in her video game.debut so many years ago. Back before all the producers and the lifestyle designers got involved and pulled her this way and that, from scholar to stripper and from adventurer to part time visitor to some weird pale imitation of Harry Potter themed silliness. It's a shame. At the start of it all... she was meant for really amazing things. At least this film isn't totally offensive and continuing down that truly bad path as immortalized by her first appearance in motion pictures. I hope she gets one last shot at being allowed to have her story told truthfully some day...