I do not know about anyone else. I just turned my tv off. I love the comedy as well as the actors. It is just to racail for me. This show is so racial. If white people had a show that was titled Whitish. What would our beloved people of color say! Way to much racism created on this show. For that. Me as well as my family are out. This is a time when we all need to come together and be American strong., but we continue to divide our culture's. I just don't understand the arguments. Just be an American love one another. Follow traditions. Stay heart felt and love everyone. Ok. Good night. God Bless us all! We are united in heaven. Trust God. Release our past issues. They do not define oyr future. Actions do. God Bless our kids and grandchildren! Stop the foghtind. Love everyone no matter race or creed or religion. Spoken by our forefathers . IN THE NAME OF OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN AMEN