Your lopsided leftist liberal news if appaling. When we are all living off of rations and Government dependence, look in the mirror. You bring shame on American and the very foundation of this country. If you are so digusted and miserable, try moving somewhere where you THINK all things are fair and equitable. Your perspective is consistently supportive of the Marxist movement of BLM and the atrocious tenants they stand for. Black lives do matter, as much as Hispanic, Italian, Native American, Etc. You justify and approve of the looting and destruction of our country for the injustice against Black Americans MOST of whose own behaviors have caused their own consequences. You show no respect for the 800,000 police officers that protect you while bash them. Stop stirring the pot of division and racial hatred by highlighting incessantly the ills ONLY against Blacks. Stop presenting and grilling into them this victim mentality that there is no hope for them in this unjust country. It's interesting that virtually NO One is clammering their way to Cuba of Venezuela. Quite the opposite. Most of the entire world would give anything to be here because of the opportunities if affords them.
I could go on and on. Disgusted and sick of the leftist garbage.