my friend and i had to watch this over the course of several months due to the fact that we could not handle the horrible dialogue, terrible acting, and laughably inappropriate music selection in one sitting.
we honestly don't know where to begin.
-the plot for starters is simultaneously predictable, unrealistic, and outrageous.
-many of the actors and actresses look exactly the same
-the best actor was quite possibly the cheating fiancee whose role took up about eight minutes of screen-time
-the main character was basically a generic brand of mia thermopolis from the princess diaries (but this may be an insult to anne hathaway (we love you, boo))
-we could barely get through the first five minutes without having to pause every few seconds to reevaluate the reasons why we were taking time out of our lives to watch this movie
-the speed at which the romance progressed was hasty and everything we didn't want (their second kiss was at the altar)
-just to reemphasize: the dialogue was so incredibly bad that i'd rather read middle school one direction fanfiction on wattpad
-the filmography looks as if it were done by a high school production team (though honestly, we know high schoolers who couldve done better)
we usually dont take the time to write reviews for any of the movies we watch; however, we are experiencing so many emotions and we wouldn't wish this upon anyone else. but if you're in the mood to laugh at something with your friends, then by all means, click play.