First of all some background:
I wasn't a part of the first generation of video game players. I didn't get to play the original games they remaster these days, so I am not comparing this game to the original because honestly, I can't make myself play a 20 year old game. I would argue graphics don't matter until you can count the number of pixel on someone's eyes... But still, this doesn't make my opinion any more biased. In fact, I would argue that because of this I won't be clouded by a feeling of nostalgia, and I won't be too harsh because "ThEy RuInEd A cLaSsiC gAmE bY cHanGiNg ThE VoiCe AcToRs."
My review:
This is, no question, a great game. From video fidelity to details in sound and just straight-up great gameplay. The game looks amazing, triple 'a' graphics and production value. Runs great (on AMD 5700xt), and consistent frame rates. The only weakness I could identify was the "popping" (cars instantly appearing on the "horizon", but it is barely noticeable when you are taken in by the beautiful atmosphere of the game). Lost Heaven looks fantastic, honestly!
Music and audio is great! The 1930s were a great era for songs and there are many licensed titles in the game, which is great, but I think they could have done with a few more.
The story is amazing as well, it is a classic mob story, yet it feels fresh and unlike others. The voice acting is also incredible, and brings the characters to life. Sam, Paulie and Salieri are also very well voiced. Also, I would just like to appreciate Ralphie... I don't know why he was one of the characters I most connected with. Overall though, this game must be played for the story. All the other aspects of the game feel good enough for you to appreciate the story without hesitation.
The attention to detail to the world is also huge, even though this game is fast paced (in story telling) and focused on the narration of the story. Do yourself a favour and play this game in the hardest difficulties (i think it is named classic) and with simulation driving. This adds a lot to gameplay, and actually challenges you.
The pricing is okay-ish, but when you consider that this game is mroe of a 12 hour+ movie where you get to play as the protagonist, you don't feel ripped off. Honestly, if you are looking at Mafia games and like these types of stories and want to get good value for your money, buy the trilogy. In my opinion it is a complete steal. 50 pounds for 2 triple a games modern gen and 1 classic early 2010s game is very good bang for your buck.
In conclusion, yes, Mafia Definitive Edition is 100% worth it