Overall I really enjoyed it. All of it. Spoiler here, so beware. I guess my issue was when Muri Forester was explaining to her father about the toxin to kill the white spikes. She said, regarding the toxin they presently have, the ‘toxin kills the males just fine - makes quite a mess of them actually’. But the female survived the toxin so the whole story moving forward is about finding a toxin that kills the females as well. It was also mentioned the females were extremely rare - so, what does that mean? For every 1000 males there’s 1 female? Point here, why did they not use the toxin to kill the males when they 1st discovered it? When you watch the end of the movie and the white spikes are coming for the female, how many females would be attacking given all the males had already been killed? Given that scenario humanity would have won.