It's hard to pinpoint exactly what makes this show so special but that's exactly what it is.
It is a soothing balm that coats your (sometimes painful) memories of youth in a gentle way.
It's not just the sights and sounds of the 90s and early 2000s that evokes memories of halcyon days. It is the capturing of the emotions that we all felt in some way as we grew up - the highs and the lows displayed with precise authenticity.
I wrapped up the show feeling as if I'd been able to send a letter to my past self with calming words of encouragement. The letter reads "yes it was hard sometimes but sometimes it was so so good, don't forget that."
For me, Pen15 was not just a nostalgic joyride, it was much more personal. It was special.
Maya and Anna, we would have been friends. I'm certain of it.