Adam ruins everything is by far my favorite show. It is great at clearing up modern misconceptions in todays society in a positive way that doesent spit in the face of the ones who believed in the misconceptions. Also every episode is provably correct tho some one sided thinkers who commented before me don't seem to agree. Like somone said adam is racist toward white people because he points out the current segragation between whites and blacks thats hilarious considering he's white for 1 an 2 he's 100% being honest there is a ridiculous amount of black individuals getting arrested unrightfully or being segrogated like I said before strictly due to our countrys racist history. You people that said he was being racist to white people are the result of misconceptions which is the whole point. An I'm just gonna go on a limb and say your a racist because nothing he's said we went true about white people. IM WHITE. I've seen all his episodes and nothing her said was either wrong or racist as other people try to say p