The only thing I basically like about this show is the mystery, but that's it. I love reading any Nancy Drew books and watching the older shows and movies, but this show was taken to the next level. First of all, I thought Nancy was supposed to be off solving mysteries, not having sex, the scenes shouldn't have even been shown. In the books, Nancy always got along with her father, which clearly they don't here. Bess was a STRAIGHT American girl with Blonde hair, not a lesbian. George was a more tomboyish American girl with short brown hair and got along with Nancy (Bess also got along with Nancy), but they barely get along. Ned Nickerson, or called "Nick" (Ned was fine), is not like he was in any of the books and shows, they had to make Ned black (and I'm not being racist) but this ain't like anything close to the books at all. This show is way too modernized.