Ground water divining is real ,one use his body's EM ,to find ground water,now TWAD Hydrogeogist useQuartz xlpendulum attached with ferrite rod &solenoid coil and the coil is connected positive terminal before that he closes Circuit with gang of FM radio connected positive terminal to C1 &C3 and negative terminal to C2&C4 and battery is 18 voltage made by dry cells he closes the pendulum with CUSo4 xl, brick bat, Carbon rod on the top of the pendulum and at the bottom solderinglead,CUSO4 crystal,biotite chip alongwith silver ring,at centre & this set up is covered with semi rubber leaving hole on top & bottom at centre bottomhole is sealed with transparent tape & while walking the body waves hindered by all waves henullify all waves except ground water waves by rotating gang which gives variable capacitance, rotation ofdowsing pendulum help in finding out ground water sources fixedthrough handle with switch and LEDbulb