Lov3d this series just brilliant..I had trouble watching the porn scenes by 2thirds way thru,,but it didn't matter to my addiction to this show..Adding to the intensity of the whole scene in those times ,late 70,s into 80,s showing just how much litter and rubbish was everywhere ,around Times sq.,,and 43rd st..The damage done to those street girls shows in Lori,s sudden suicide and Eileen who would became soo successful in that ..industry,,couldn't gel to the man who wanted to love her..Missing watching it the next day ,today..The writers are just geniuses of all the great series out there ..The way they can get the start and finish worked out with all the amazement in-between,,creating brilliant stories lines..The ending was beautiful the way Vincent's memories were as an older man by 2019 ,and is just how some ghosts are formed..James Franco is a really really good actor ,,great respect for the guy..His twin brother older by 23 minutes was a completely different person and Francos acting talents shine thru..What a time of New York's history what a beautiful glimpse into the past created by George Pelecanos and other creative writers..Grab a cuppa and sit back to watch this great series from the opening scene , I think was at a precinct with a cop and a kid ? But not precinct 15!! Ha ha.