If you’re interested in watching the Darkest Batman movie yet. You're maybe going to have a different review than mine. Dark Knight was Dark yet very well scripted. This one not so much. If you’re interested in knowing more about Thomas Wayne, then maybe you’ll like this a little bit more. The movie started off great. Robert Pattinson, good acting and looks great as the Batman but the climax of the movie just takes too long! It feels dragged out and boring at times. The reason for the 1 star, it’s the storyline. 3 hour long movie better be A movie I want to watch at least one more time in my lifetime. Safe to say, I have no interest in watching it again. Nothing about the Movie makes it memorable. The Acting and Riddles almost bumped this up to a two star because the way they were used to accomplish the Riddlers objective but in the end it’s still a 1 star for me. I didn’t know that Bruce Wayne was the lead singer for my Chemical Romance. Bruce Wayne looks EMO and like I’m watching a My Chemical Romance music video.