I am a long time Star Wars fan. I have watched all of the movies, nearly all of the TV shows, played most of the games, and read a surprising number of books. I love me some good Star Wars. Episode IX, the Rise of Skywalker was good Star Wars.
If you put the movie in a vacuum, it was not a super great movie. It was really fast paced, and there were some odd plot holes and choices (henve 4 stars) - but Star Wars movies have not been in a vacuum since 1977. If you look at it in relation to Episodes I-VIII - it is a great movie to watch.
If you liked Episodes IV-VI - you will like it.
If you liked Episodes I-III - you will like it.
If you liked Episode VII - you will like it.
If you hated Episode VIII - you will like it.
GETTING INTO LIGHT SPOILERS - do not read farther.
A large part of the negatives I have to say about Episode 9 are the rushed pace and plot holes... however, I also feel like the rushed pace and plot holes were necessary to a degree because Rise of Skywalker was not one movie, but two movies crammed into one. The first half of the movie largely felt like it was overwriting The Last Jedi, while the second half felt like it was its own movie. If you look at it like that - its wonderful. It was some grade A feel-good star wars.