This franchise has been in desperate need of some life for awhile. I genuinely feel like the last decent madden game made was madden 11. The AI is absolutely terrible, as are the physics, the presentation is still beat by nfl2k5 which came out 16 years ago, the franchise mode is barebones and stale with a terrible trade system, superstar KO mode is cool, but given how much money they probably spent on licensing names like Khalid and yachty, they probably could have put that to making the game actually good. Then there's mut... The game they want you to spend spend all your time and money on, and they don't hide that at all. They are constantly, and I mean constantly showing you in game pop ups for the mode. To truly compete in the mode though, just like every year, you generally have to blow a ton of money on packs. Overall, for a game franchise that has had so many years to improve, it is unacceptable for it to be where it's at right now. I wouldn't recommend picking this up unless you can get it on sale for super cheap.