This series has been given unfairly harsh criticism.
I feel people are more critical about science fiction as a genre than they would be about anything else. It's like the underpining question in every sci-fi 'what if?' garners instant criticism.
'That is completely unbelievable, I couldn't possibly look past that flaw'. What about Harry Potter's time-turners? Just go back and save Harry's parents, or kill Voldemort, or even better go back and help Voldemort before the point of no return. Terrible plot inclusion. Did I enjoy it less? No.
There's been barely a handful of science fiction television shows until the past few years, and I'm just happy to be living in the current surge. Some people watch terrible romcoms, tasteless comedy, or mind sludging dramas, to take a break from their busy lives, but I'd prefer a sloppy science fiction any day. It's sloppy in some senses, but not in all.
Star Trek had just as many unbelievable plot twists, like when every second episode you'd run into a new alien species that not only looks human, but can also breed with humans? What the hell was up with that? Where were all the insectoids? The infallible transporter constantly had it's reputation being challenged. The human superiority abounded, even over beings more advanced, as humans were more imaginative than them. Give me a break.
Did it stop me from enjoying the series as a whole? No.
The characters are far more emotional and prone to act on their emotions than would be realistic for Earth's finest recruits, in arguably the most important space mission in human history, true.
What people may not be noticing is that emotion is an important theme, and having robot-like super-humans aboard the ship would actually detract from their relevance to the plot, and the general populace - us emotional humans.
The plot sees them have a stop off somewhere or engrossed in some wild calamity every episode, but this is a purposeful distraction from the real theme.
The aliens are using human emotions as their own weapon against them, and it is against them, and it is refreshing. Hostile aliens.
Eric is almost always clear headed and rational, even when he's being manipulated within the artifact, until it concerns his daughter, then ration goes out the window.
William the AI can't be turned off or stopped, though as he was programmed by humans, he is in essence part human, and the alien host uses that to manipulate William.
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I'm almost certain that everyone who gave it a bad rating on rotten tomatoes sat through one episode and had the nerve to judge the whole series on its pilot. Shameful really.
I'm sitting here having watched the whole series, being mildly let down by unbelievable emotions affecting the crew, yet also appreciating it's that very same emotional side sadly lacking from sci-fi as a whole, hampering its popularity of the past, that this show begins to correct.
I'm looking forward to a series renewal, and hope all its bad press doesn't hamper this eventuality. People should be supporting new science fiction if they want the industry to continue. If you see past the obvious flaw of an emotionally unstable crew, there's a lot to enjoy.