This show is a reck!
Listen to how many times she refers to herself.....I, I, I.
I did this, i did that, I was a....reporter, lawyer, host of another show, when I was blah, blah, BLAH!!!! EVERYTHING is about HER!
She walks around in those heals, and a new outfit everyday!!! Can’t relate to that! Is it the Tamon Hall fashion show?
She will stick The microphone in someone’s face and expect them to answer in one sentence before she pulls away the mic.
She has a cyber audience that I will never understand the reason for.
She tries to include her staff in the beginning by handing her a card, and most of them look like they had a gun to their head to do it.
She would in the beginning and her show with a selfie of her and The audience members, SO narcissistic. Glad to see that’s not done anymore.
She OVER reacts to everything especially when she tells her audience “sit down, sit down. Welcome. Etc.”
Bottom line I get nothing out of the show other than the humor of watching her enjoy herself. Highly recommend the show not being renewed.