Ive seen many faith-based movies that were, to be brief, too cheesy or mealy-mouthed to effectively reach a out to the general public. This movie is different, it portrays an unapologetic pastor who boldly stands his ground as a Christian running for senate…against a politician who —no surprise— wants to leave God out of the picture.
Great cast and script and chief producer Isaiah Washington who also stars as a congressman who is a catalyst for change.
This movie was informative about the current state of voter population; it gave me a glimpse of hope, inspiration to be a bold Christian.
Today i saw a testimony of an FBI agent, a Black Christian American, a whistleblower persecuted for telling the truth at his job. He spoke of his persecution, loss of income, the stress of uncertainty and the hardships for his family. He discussed how he and family have gained much more spiritually, than they have lost materially. He is winning his case thanks to help from Judicial Watch and other orgs. But his testimony was unforgettable and moving!