they said no mouse and keyboard crossover unless cross-play, they lied. they said they are tweaking guns to make them fair but introduce one hit at any range on any body part o.p. guns, they lied. people wanted better spawning, they never tried to fix it. the cheaters are at least 90% of about every game. they say they are working on it but really only talk about warzone and not the game i paid for, they lie. i don't like warzone but can't play modern warfare without it anymore, it's bloatware. you can select any part of the game i paid for to delete except for warzone which i didn't buy or want. have to go through buy this new game and you didn't buy this game pages to get to the game i paid for. constant buy this advertisements and now they are misleading as it won't work for the game i paid for which duped others in wasting their money. won't ever buy another call of duty game and probably not another activism game. even had e.t. on atari as a kid. they at least buried that game in the ground but still sell this broken game without concern.