I thought previous Resident Evil movies were the worst. I was wrong. This one is the worst. Wow. It was painful to watch the entire movie.
There is no character development in this movie. Putting 4 main characters from the original game in 107 mins movie is the wrong choice. Basically, Leon and Jill are extras. Especially, Jill barely had lines. I just watched the movie, and I can't even remember what she did in the movie.
Also, action scenes were boring. Zombies are just grabbing the main character's clothes. I couldn't feel any danger from those scenes. In the zombie genre, that's bad. There is the one scene about Chief Irons was trying to escape from Raccoon city. And Umbrella corp soldiers are shooting at him. That scene is the best action scene in the entire movie. I'm sure that most of you already saw the most of actions scenes from other zombie movies.
I was so ready to love this film after those bad RE movies in the past. So disappointed.