This show is great. You get conservative perspective and liberal perspective on the topics of the day. Plus the hosts are funny, informative and I love the special segments they choose each day.
I would like to ask a question about the CA wildfires. It breaks my heart to see what has happened. Gosh, people died while it was preventable. They need to give them warnings like they do with tornados. Plus the brush can be cleared out so it is not such a tenderbox. Please God, we have to do more to warn them early to leave and to keep the underbrush down. I live in LA in the LA/TX border and we too have the droughts and we have burn bans. During those burn ban times, you are.breaking the law for any type of fire in personal or private land. We also clear the brush in the wooded areas. Please this does not have to happen like this. If it takes Federal $ and State $, this can be better managed. Regardless if the $, I am sure people would donate to help prevent this type of thing. I know wildfires are going to happen, but they can be much more controlled with yearly management of brush. Then I saw Pink's husband and a few friends that are forced to protect property with forced. I don't blame them and in fact, they should. The problem is why would people loot others that have been through a devestating loss anyway. The potting laws should be increased substantially, in time if crisis. I worked Hurricane Kateina and looting was a problem there. It sickens me that people are so good of conscience that they would further hurt those folks that have already been devestating. If they do no care more about others than to rub salt in an open wound, they have no conscience and therefore have severe personality disorder or /and psychopath. Those type of people can't help any society! Please think about people whom have lost all having to arm themselves to keep psychopaths from further victimization. What has happened to us as Americans? 99% would run to help neighbors, friends, family and even a stranger in need. So the 1% that choose to further victimize the most vunerable should pay a price that is far above . Please parents teach your kids that people and life is precious. Quit with no one getting involved. When I grew up, we knew our neighbors and they would get into you just as if they were your parents. Kids need those who care and they know you care when you are willing to go out of your way to show them what they are doing is wring. I know...parents today get all bent out of shape if anyone disciplines their child. But obviously, they are not, so it is society to and live that kid as if he/she were yours. You would be surprised at the response and just maybe the next gen will know others care and are willing to step in regardless of the heat. After all, all kids deserve to be cared about and taught lessons if true citizenship, friendship and that we all have a responsibility to raise our children up to know live for themselves and others.