Spoilers in this review.
I had to think about this at least a day before writing. I started watching it with great anticipation, especially after recent awards. I thought it was a little slow to start but was growing on me with some good comical scenes, amazing acting, beautiful scenery, and very interesting characters. I was excited to see how the characters would continue to develop throughout the movie. I also slowly started seeing the parallel of a civil war going on right behind them while the main characters were also having their struggles.
Where this all went wrong for me was about halfway through when realizing the plot, or lack there of, didn’t make sense, and how I didn’t believe that some of the characters would eventually do the things they did or act the way they did.
- Why would a man so passionate about his music, self-mutulate to the point of not being able to play or write his own music for the satisfaction of proving to his past friend he would do this if he didn’t stay away from him? He did not appear mad, and some commented he was too stubborn or proud but I think in the end he was the real town’s idiot for doing this.
- How in the world did this guy lose so many fingers and not appear in pain or acquire an infection or a swollen hand? It’s the 1920’s with lacking health care. I’ve lost a part of a finger and it’s very painful and your whole hand swells up. That bothered me.
- Why would so many stand idly knowing that the police officer was beating and sexually abusing his son, with the main character acting like he was a great friend and picking him over the other? Sure, he was authority, but the town seemed to have total disregard for this poor kid (who btw did an amazing job acting the part).
- And why did this poor kid have to die at the end? Was the story not dark enough so they had to throw that in there too?
- What was up with the old lady/witch? Again, a lost opportunity in character development. Did her whole story not make the final cut? Loved her character at the beginning but it made no sense as the movie went on without development.
- And I have to throw this in as an animal lover/live stock owner… why would a donkey choke and vomit on a finger when in reality donkeys can’t regurgitate? And here again, the story is not dark enough, so let’s throw another log on the proverbial dark comedy fire and take away the only thing this guy had left in his life to love.
It all just made no sense to me from middle to end and just kept getting darker and darker and more and more depressing. Not a movie I’ll see again. I would be OK seeing individual actors getting awards since they were all amazing, but the picture as a whole, failed in so many ways.