This game is one of the most perfect examples of “good concept, bad execution” or whatever the saying is. Allow me to explain.
The multiplayer is bad. Campers is probably the big thing you’ll here. Which it’s true. One thing I loved about the other COD’s was the adrenaline that pumped through you as you moved through the battlefield quickly with everyone by your side. It was all about who could get the best trick shot (not always but you probably get the point). Now it’s about who can get the most claymore kills in a single spot. For example, Crash. One of those maps that’s been in modern warfare since the first game. Fantastic map. In the other games, everyone was fighting in the middle and it was super hectic. In this new game, everyone’s sitting on rooftops or mounting their guns on the windows of smaller building waiting for someone to make one step outside only to be shot from every direction. It’s not the same. I’m not going adapt to such a boring, skilless, lazy play style just to “enjoy” myself. The spawning is also terrible, utter garbage. You CAN NOT play a match of shipment and tell me that the spawns are good. I find myself spawning right in front of an enemy, dying, and then spawning right next to the same guy, and dying again way way way too often.
Weapon variety, balancing and customization:
There a good amount of weapons, for a COD game. It’s a shame you only see maybe 10% of the weapons in game and used by others because there are overpowered weapons. Everybody uses the M4A1, the mp5, kar98, rpg, and the 725. They “nerfed” them apparently a while ago. “Don’t worry, instead of the double barrel shotgun one-shotting you from 25 meters away, it’s now 24 meters! Hope you’re happy!” And the M4 is just a laser and so many more. For having a variety of weapons to use, it’s just a waste of coding space to have the other weapons. The customizations are ok, nothing more to say. One thing I will give praise to is the customizations of weapon attachments. It’s really cool how you can customize your gun to suit your play style and having to think about movement speed and recoil and all that.
Meh. I don’t get why I see so much praise for this. It’s kind of stupid to have all weapons be common and weapon variants being legendary. An rpg, for example, can be found as a common weapon. It’s just odd. Also forced cross play is dumb. I think it’s hilarious that they still have hackers even in their most recent game.
It’s good. Nothing more to say. Characters are likable I guess. A solid 8/10.
Just don’t even try. Some are ok but the others are just bad. You get overwhelmed by enemies without warning. You can clear out all the places behind you and continue to push forward but enemies will spawn directly behind you sandwiching you and then you lose and have to restart from the beginning. It sucks.
So overall, this game is bad. If you are into realism, then this game has a lot of those aspects in it. With weapon attachments and play style. This game can have some fun moments about 10-15% of the time, but those moments are ruined by BS weapons and campers. I find myself getting insanely mad very often. I can agree with a lot of people in saying this game has so much potential, but Activision and infinity ward don’t seem to listen to the people who give it these low reviews, probably because they don’t want to hear them. That’s my review of MW 2019.