There’s so many screw ups where do I start you make every corner back seem faster then any kind of receiver my slot receiver has 95 speed and acceleration with 90 route running yet he still gets beat on the long ball by a corner back sometimes when you scramble with your quarter back how come you can’t use full speed until you cross the line of scrimmage I’m pretty sure that’s not a rule in real life and then another is your running back will start not being as fast as he should be behind the line of scrimmage I’m assuming that’s a glitch if you wanna rebuild you team it’s fun amazing but not like that if you wanna rebuild and play with your team at the same time just because of a few dumb flaws my qb has 93 throw power or something like that and can’t throw the ball any farther then a 50 yard deep ball and you literally can’t make a 53 yard field goal unless you have Justin tucker which is dumb because every kicker in the league can make a 53 yarder