From the gate, you are making a sequel to T2, the ONLY reason to make another Terminator film. No way was this going to improve or outdo that blockbuster. It had it all. This did give us a new creative scenario to see how things turned out for Sarah and John Conner after they stopped Judgment Day. Positives: Story was well written, Sarah Conner's character (who they built the movie on), Grace (the new hero is a human with augmented abilities, but really outshines Linda Hamilton) adds a human heart to the mission to save Dani, and Arnold adds the ONLY comedy (though not much) and plays a robot who lost his purpose but found it by becoming more human. Negatives: The new enemy terminator is not frightening or creepy. He is not robotic acting at all, which was an asset for Robert Patrick's terminator. The film lacked feeling altogether. There were no tender moments, just lots of disdain between the protagonists. It was not a fun watch and it did not make you sympathize with anyone. Overall, if you liked T2 and wondered what happened afterwards, you will want to see Dark Fate.