This movie had great potential. And it tried. And fell flat on its face.
My brother is scared of pretty much every scary thing, even if small, an HE WASNT SCARED OF THIS. (Spoilers until next paragraph) In the movie, there were ghosts. Okay, ghost movies can be good. But the ghost animation was just silly and dumb, two features absolutely NOT fit for a horror movie. One, the weird blue ghost light flying around (Is it even a ghost? Who knows) And the swimming possessed mother. A ghost possessed her or something... Anyway, the swimming animation for her was plain hilarious. Also, why can she fly when she's possessed? Is she dead? The scene with the mother stabbing herself looked weird and din't add anything. Why were the ghosts naked? Why was the grandmother's head cut off and why was her body put in the attic of the house? Ghosts can be scary, but smiling naked people are truly not that frightening. The girl who got decapitated for some reason stuck her body full out of the window. When the mom threw the girl's book in the fire the second time, the DAD caught fire for some reason... Am I missing something?
I saw a review for this movie saying that Hereditary was "Too scary for it's own good," and I think I know why- the scariness meter went a full circle to "Not scary at all" again. Who knows why this movie got an 89% of people liking it. DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE ON THIS MOVIE. It is not so bad it's good, and it's not so good it's good. It's just plain bad. Though not the worst movie i've ever seen (That's Gargoyles) it is still pretty bad. If you want a good horror, watch The Ring. If you want a movie that's so bad it's good, watch Night of the Lepus. I could talk for hours about how bad Hereditary is, but instead I'll say one thing for the people that have not watched this movie: Don't waste your time.