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Edited repost after some time. Overall disappointing game. 4.5/10 really Didn't care for anything new the infernal demon combat was meh slow and boring. Level design is poor at times. Graphics although the scales may be larger the lack of detail makes things bland and boring. All new enemies are really lame and to many seemed to be the same. Viola I couldn't stand her character at all just wanted to get her chapters done with and move on. Same with Jeane levels left me always in a state of why do I want to do these mini levels that really are but an annoying chore. Story is terrible characters are bad including this Bayonetta of the multiverse is the worst of the franchise. What happened did they just scrap and change the story try to pull something outta nowhere to get on the multiverse bandwagon.
Combat was the only thing good about this. There is action in the game to be found for sure on a first playthrough what's gonna happen next, but only for the moment or battle. Story what was gonna happen next your hoping it gets better but only gets more and more disappointing including the ending which is the nail in the coffin
Found myself instantly bored replaying levels looking for the hidden stuff and get more halos to purchase other stuff costume's mostly a few more hours over the course of a week after blowing through the main story and I was burnt out bored. Tired to come back and play months later but can't seem to play more than 1 hour at most before just feeling how bad this game is. I think I found myself just throwing darts at things at random things in the chapter select screen with how bored I quickly get playing. A bit of a franchise killer for me. This was 1 game I was really looking forward to buying a Switch after the long wait was heavily disappointed
Bayonetta 3
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3.5/10 this was a disappointment like most that reviewed this badly I feel the same love the art style and graphics but that's it characters are not really interesting same with the story is mediocre at best. The combat and platforming along with just the map/level design fall way short of what should be expected honestly it's just terrible and repetitive. Played through about 70% of the game tired to push and finish but after awhile just couldn't play it anymore
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Greatest game of all time for me.
Super Metroid
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Good game I guess great platforming. Biggest problem is the moon collecting is rather lame, easy, or repeated I think the game should have had 200-300 moons at most and 100 extra moons for challenge (post game)
Super Mario Odyssey
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Mixed bag here graphics and style are good. Race tracks seem interesting but really not good race tracks hard to explain. Not a fan of the weapons from % rate to some being just plain over powered. Multiplayer is likely better I'm sure. Single player isn't very good. Disappointed in this game overall
Just a nightmare to play controls are a pain to memorize. It's very straightforward. EMMI zones are not fun and have to deal with it constantly sometimes going through there zone just cause you are lost to find out you have been wasting your time. Challenge to challenge repeat till you get the hang of it then face the next challenge feeling helpless once again. If you love challenge games and forced to do things you'll be fine. If your looking to have fun hoping that it would be jumping into a new Metroid experience of old you'll be disappointed