Thank you John for the cleanse, the products, and the education. What you are offering Humanity is a Lifestyle that promotes Life. A healthy life that offers longevity of our bodies, our minds, and our Souls. It is not an easy discipline. Civilization has not been very civil to the betterment of humankind.
The Hippocratic Oath "First, do no harm" has its warriors of wellness and I am thankful. Unfortunately, a false appearance of virtue exists. Hypocrites that are in the sickness business. Pharmaceutical Companies make me sick. Our medical community should be the leaders in protecting the nutritional supportability of our planet. Fake food should not exist.
It is not sweet to allow sugars to be added to babies' formula. That is really messed up to "get em started early" so they can keep the hospital beds full later!
The medical community should also have been the leaders fighting the Obesogenic War. Not divulging the truth about the harmful health effects of microplastics in our food, water, and the air is a crime against humanity. Why expose the insidious catastrophic environmental pollution's effect on the human body when they can get fat on a multi-billion dollar business letting the human population get obese because of it.
In a five-month period of being diligent with your regime, I went from 185 pounds down to 127 pounds. I am the healthiest and most pain-free I have been in years. I also know that my immune system is performing the way God intended.
Live long and prosper in good health with LifeSpa ...
Thank you again, John, for being my Teacher in the Wellness Business. I love you, brother!