"... your indecision will not delay time."
This is a quote from the book Breaking Your barriers: Change Unhealthy life Cycles and Unravel the True You by Shanique Davis (@thisshanique).
Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What am I really waiting for?" If your answer to this question is money, time, a wife, a husband, better resources, a house, a car, or the like then you need to reassess your WHY!
WHY do you want to embark on this journey? WHY do you want to lose weight? WHY do you want to start that business? WHY do you want to write that book? WHY do you want to start that podcast? WHY do you want to start that blog? WHY? Your WHY is your objective; it's your goal. It's the reason you continue when there is no one cheering you one. It's the reason you keep creating content even when you have no views. Your WHY is the image you see when you put your blinkers on. After you've discovered your WHY, make a commitment to START WHERE YOU ARE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE.
Time waits on no one! We, oftentimes, fail to start because we fear that others will criticize our small beginning. But, rest assured, NUH BODY NEVA BAWN BIG (nobody was born big). We all came into this world as infants and we all had to LEARN and GROW. I believe that LEARNING is the single most difficult, yet most crucial part of life. Life is a journey and "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu
START WHERE YOU ARE TODAY. But understand that your indecision (to start or to establish your why) will not delay time.
Be Blessed
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