since none of the reviews seem to be helping i'll just do one basically this game is about an angel named pit who needs to save the goddess he serves goddess palutena or lady palutena as some people call her. pit needs to save her from medusa and all that other fun stuff so throughout the whole game you gather power ups and all that which makes you stronger the first level is the hardest cause you start out weak but it gets easier as you go along and all that cause you get more health and powerups. This game is a mix of Zelda cause you collect things or whatever, Mario cause you can jump or whatever, and Metroid cause ya shoot and stuff. you can get this game on the nes or on the 3ds ( get it on the 3ds it's cheap and easier to get) if you are trying to get into the kid icarus series just get kid icarus uprising first then get the original kid icarus game if you liked uprising but you do you or whatever. i dont know if this review was good or not but i tried. catch ya later