It’s diehard but in the setting of a school shooting.
Anybody who thinks it’s deeper than that is just part of the Ben Shapiro hype train. All this movie presents another absurdly tone deaf narrative that combines action with apologist right wing conspiracies.
Any attempt by this movie to make a competent moral argument is overshadowed by an overly ignorant agenda.
You would think with the Daily Wire’s frequent criticism of “liberal agendas” in Hollywood films they would fail to make a similar mistake. Instead the writers of this film for whatever reason thought weaving a conservative agenda throughout the film’s narrative would be any less cringeworthy.
In the end there are two major takeaways from this film
1. Desperate film makers will take any opportunity to turn tragic issues into glorified “thrillers”.
2. Political ideologies and biases ultimately serve to only cloud moral judgement and prevent any real positive impact from being made in the world.