Not the greatest film you’ll ever witness by a long stretch. However, this film is somewhat refreshing. It isn’t the same film that’s been forced down our throats for the past so many years.
Driver was good as always. Not exactly an iconic role but he did the job no issues. The rush through the prologue of the film was slightly confusing, no expiations or who what why and where, some you can sort of make out yourself, the rest is still unknown to me personally, without going into any details.
The plot itself, based on the fact it was people set in Prehistoric times, rather than dinosaurs in modern times, makes this film different from the likes of Jurassic world, and this film surprisingly has a more realistic approach than the JW series too in my opinion.
Overall, the film was okay. Not amazing. Not bad. Just okay. Wouldn’t advise anyone to pay into a cinema to watch it, but when it’s available to stream or something then yeah, throw it on.
5/10 for me. :)