What the hell has happened to Dr Who? I was looking fwd to Jody being the new Dr but after Ep6 all I can say is what a disappointment?
Every previous companion(s) has added something to the series EXCEPT the latest bunch. They are as exciting as watching paint dry! They could be sucked in to the vacuum of space and lost for ever and nobody would care! Terrible casting and has obviously been done to tick the age, race, colour and sex PC boxes. That latest episode, 6, was more a political statement about India and Pakistan and Muslim and Hindu than a sci-fi show. Who the hell cares?
I watch the show to be entertained not preached to or enlightened about differences in faith or countries.. I know the writers are new and are taking the show in a new direction but after 6 episodes if they don’t realise they’re going in the wrong direction they obviously aren’t true Dr Who fans.
If the show does not change directions and and it probably won’t at this stage in the series I’ll be dropping it from my viewing schedule and watching the Cyber Men, Evil Angels, Ponds, Rose and Oswald on reruns..