Just texting what Akshay Mittal wrote:
Enjoyed watching...
There are too many potholes in the series which takes away the authenticity. Firstly, Arjun rampal is shown feeling remorseful towards the end for being responsible for death of his co-pilot whereas he could have easily prevented the same when he realized he had accidentally sipped his poisoned coffee. Also, he is shown really confused as he alternates between bringing the plane down to attempting a safe landing at his whims. Also, one hand they showed the plane going down in ocean and another they showed the same plane crashing into jungle. It's just smart and (poor) cinematography. With so many web series that intrigues and keeps things real, this is a R-K dramatization of random events with no real engagement or connect to any single character.
Where was the Pink coat that girl was wearing in Plane? Crash led to un-wearing. I loved that pink coat. The boy sitting next to him should have survived nevertheless what was the context of his grandmother? Old age homes really uncommon in India. But the girl hearing his story could only picture things as per her known pictures. The boy was talking with grandmother in drawing room and next moment in old age home. Spiritual existence have been mixed with what we call materialistic realities.
Really 126 died or 174 saved? Media screening? Really 1000 crores more for bidding outright purchase? Really, astrology with probability 1.......?
I enjoyed the engagement!