I honestly adore this game! I tried it out on launch and I liked it but it just wasn't my cup of tea at the time, but that was when I still liked Fortnite. I tried the game multiple times through out its life every season I would redownload the game to give it another shot but I still liked Fortnite so my brain was still dumb. Thankfully I gave Apex Legends another chance after wanting to burn Epic Games to the ground because of how bad fortnite was so I redownloaded the game the day before season 4 ended .Wow, It was fun! My heart was set on this game but my brain wasn't at first, my brain was wondering about other games, but then Season 5 hit and Kings Canyon was changed. They killed Skull Town for a new location and wiped Octane's old location off the face of the earth and replaced it with a better one. Also they removed that one old season 2 location up in the top right of the map for a oil rig like location, I find it a very bad location. So I started playing the game more and more getting better I started playing ranked I was starting to watch other people play the game, I dare you to look up gameplay of Apex and for you not be satisfied. for once I actually bought the battle pass and got it to max level, I got all 9 pieces of the Broken Ghost and found the reveal really freaking cool. I also went from being around level 57 at the end of season 4 but now i''m level 130. This game is like a drug, some people will never get addicted to it. some people may not even use it. but most people that do use think that there ok but in reality, they are full blown addicted and can't go a week of not playing. I remember through the entire 15 weeks apex season 5 has been out for I only took a week break from it once, and that's because I had played the game so much, I was playing every day and didn't really want to play anything else. Then when I took the break I still played the game a good amount but I still play other games like Rainbow Six Siege, and Red Dead Redemption 2. I have gone so far in the game now that I love this game and think it is the BEST Battle Royale to ever exist. I love this game.