I just binge watched 5 seasons of this.. Theres a reason there are weight classes yet im suppose to believe this 5 ft tall 50lb girl can just run through 6ft 300 lb men because she grew up in a floor with just a little training from a tree stalker she decided to screw. Its absolutley unbelievable and if there was cryo tubes why wernt they in the first season why wasnt the massive space ships. They literaly would have used those massive prison ships over space stations. So much is unbelievable.. its a chick flic with all women leaders to show how empowered you are in the future. Season 1 was good and its what got me to binge. In season 1 the natives are cool looking and awesome at gorilla warfare. By season 3 they forget how awesome they are and quit being sneaky scary movie type killers. It was interesting with the 100 having to survive while being hunted but the hunters basically get lazy and bored of it. Then they let some rando 50lb girl cut um all down cause they totally didnt have more training than her.