This was interesting.We,as a society,claim people can be whatever they want to be here in the United States,This means working at jobs like grocer,teacher,cop,firefighter,doctor,etc.Yet for those who make their living as adult film stars,it seems like it doesn't apply to them.I fail to understand this logic.People who work for the ACLU,as big lawsuit lawyers,even as abortion performing doctors are seemingly more tolerated and they,like many politicians,do more harm to this country than adult film stars,I found this 2nd chapter of this series engaging even if I dislike Lisa Ann Spears.They're people who made a choice whom nobody has a right to harass.If our youth are watching their product when they shouldn't be then that's the fault of the parents who fail or choose not to be involved in their kids lives much.These people were lively and engaging,I fully recommend it mostly to people who like adult entertainment as well as those who enjoy various topics for documentaries.