why WOULDN’T you watch cats (2019)? a brilliant, thick soup, chock full of very developed and endearing characters, very appropriately scaled sets, and some of the best cgi this side of the nile. the songs were all unique and memorable, just like the people who sang them. it was heartwarming to see such accomplished and noble actors as dame judi dench, sir ian mckellan, and idris elba along with taylor swift, jennifer hudson, and jason derulo. a lot of people speculate that these pop stars were put in purely for publicity and singing talent, but their performances were incredible! the comedy was never on the nose, always just right, and i was in tears the whole movie (sometimes from laughter, sometimes from truly heartwrenching emotion). this film is the family movie you’ve been waiting for, and all the allusions to sex (like with the catnip, LMAO) are very mature and not obvious to young kids, so all the little ones will see is dancing cats having fun!
and honestly, all the people ragging on how the cats have human faces and human hands need to educate themselves, because the original broadway musical has the actors using their hands and wearing makeup to cover their faces, but that’s it. so shut up and go get cultured 😡😡.
anyway, this movie is a masterpiece and i would highly recommend it to everyone. it’s a breathtaking, surreal experience that is sure to touch you.