This show is very good and, although I did not realise it at first, one of my favourite shows on TV right now with each episode getting better and better. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
If you're wondering why it has so many one star reviews, then please read them as I was also shocked to see so many. All the one stars that I have seen talk about how the show is not faithful to the graphic novel, which I have to agree with. However, I do not believe that justifies giving the show the lowest score possible when it's great as a stand alone TV show. Watchmen (2009) also took liberties in terms of following the graphic novel and that is easily in my top 10 movies of all time - maybe even top 5. Green Mile is easily #1 if that's enough to get anyone to watch it!
One star reviews aside, I'm sure the sheer amount of 5 star reviews speak for themselves, including my own. If a show can get a LOT of one star reviews because it's not a mirror copy of the source material, and can still maintain a 3.7 star average, then I'm sure you can agree that it HAS to be good.