It isn't the same as it was when it started in 1947 an on until around 1966. Before 1966 Meet the press was a main focus on checking the press truth, the real media and what it means to be in the medium and not political slant. But when the reasoning for legislation catches up to the reasoning being having been met then politics becomes a scam devised by both parties in order to give them a reason to find something to do. So rather than a balance that they have been attempting to find they have found that they can create the fake news media on both parties in order to create a demagoguery so as to maintain their financial stability because the demagogue has invested all they have into their religious end times to where it has left nothing for their existence.
Chuck Todd does no justice to the original meet the press program. He doesn't run down the middle like the real news media is defined, keeping the reasoning of what politics purpose is in Law to what Law has to do with where politics goes from here regardless of what the voter thinks because the election is Illegal in both houses due to the philanthropy write offs that both parties has created in a Ponzi scheme of mental delusional medical insurance coverage, so as to excuse themselves from adjusting to the reality that has caught up to their existence. What they said was the balance of the two parties has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the only fact is that the true party of Lincoln would have obtained the State of Independence had he not been assassinated when he was, leaving that situation where we are now yet obstructed due to the philanthropy that the two parties have tied themselves together in the religion of God and Satan of Royalties, unconstitutionally of course, under the excuse of not guilty by reason of mental disease and defect.
If Chuck Todd ever thought that he could do anything more in his life than to swing from one confederate gaF to another and keep that swinging pendulum swinging. As a homosexual supporter he does not at all support the capitalist homosexual and when he isn't playing the Queen he has no problem being the boot liker that such a daft low IQ individual will do right in front of the world, because he knows very well that although the far right doesn't take up with same sex marriages that doesn't mean they don't take up with the pervertedness of the confederacy, as such the "Deep State" has risen again.