None one likeable character among this bunch of complaining, entitled, pampered women. A psychiatrist who is more messed up than any of her clients (and this is actually true in life), an Ann Coulter look alike with a cleft lip who wants to run a fortune 500 company but who CONSTANTLY has a child care or child health issue that requires her to leave meetings and work constantly, a lesbian who is about 10 years old herself mentally, and some chick who has the body of a 12 year old boy who wants every man and thinks they all want her. These woman shouldn't be raising carrots much less human beings. They all have partners who can be available all hours of the day for their children. They should be thankful for the nannies, the Range Rovers, the million dollar homes and all that the women who came before them made possible for them. So tired of modern day woman sniveling about their lives.