I've been watching this show forever and Matt has worked EXTREMELY hard for what he has built. Zach acts like he and his siblings are entitled to what Matt has built and he is wrong about that. Matt does not need anyones permission, input or approval to do as he wishes with his farm, property and/or businesses. Zach get a job and stop whining like a little princess. You should be ashamed and embarrassed of yourself. Put Tori in her place because just because she married into the family does not give her the right to opine about her father in law's business. Zach needs to build his own path and STOP slamming his father. Unfortunately Matt raised a whole bunch of VULTURES. INFINITELY SHAMEFULL Zach. Karma is around the corner for people who are a whole bunch of ingrates. Everyone knows who stoked this fire and her name starts with A. Good luck to her with her new lazy husband. It is sickning to watch the emotional abuse these people put Matt thru. Talk about cruelty.