It’s been about 15 years since NFS released something this good you all know good what I’m talking about 15 years back
So the PRO’s amazing sound
Amazing visuals
Handling model is good , not a crazy arcade rubbish handling but still to the arcade side
Car details and mods is very well done and thought out
You can hear it’s a RB26,13b,LS,Merc’s AMG’s spot on
And then the bad
No controller assignment options
Steering feel on some drift cars are not responding to your inputs and then lastly
The flames on the exhausts OMG everything spits flames non stop from a base stock GTI to a VW beetle they’re all treated to the flame thrower visuals
But to summarise it it’s actually one of the best NFS games the franchise has released in a long time
Thank you Electronic Arts for listening to your fans
Please steer away from what you did with NFS payback it was simply rubbish