Mild Spoilers ahead:
So far, based on the first episode I was pretty disappointed. I love the premise of this show and was excited to see many of my favourite actors/actresses reprising their roles in the show. The animation was beautiful and for the most part I enjoyed the talent that the voice actors portrayed in the episode. (I love that it is somewhat narrated by the watcher and explains the multiverse a little bit and his role in it.)
This however was overshadowed by the terrible dialogue and lack of humour. The romance between Peggy and Steve seemed forced and the dialogue was so cringeworthy it was hard to watch sometimes. I found that much of the dialogue was rather useless and didn't have any charm or really explain anything. I found that any attempt at a joke was so terribly rushed and poorly written that the only times I was laughing during the show was from second hand embarrassment from how cringy the dialogue was. (Peggy talking to herself while fighting)
The pacing was so off, and I felt like I was being tossed around from scene to scene with no cohesive timeline. The storyline was messed up with no explanation (like Bucky is leaving the camp that Steve and Peggy are at and then they go looking for him with no proof that they've been captured). I felt like the whole episode was rushed and I couldn't keep up with any details, or even the main story on its own.
I plan on watching the next few episodes but if they are as bad as this I may just skip the rest of the show.